Closing weekend for the White Pages exhibition


Photo Credit: Atelier Cédric Breisacher

On the occasion of the closing weekend of the Pages Blanches exhibition, on Saturday December 02, designer Martin Blanchard offers two workshops on the research and innovation process.  

Workshop for Young Audiences

For children aged 6 to 12, JAD offers a toy design and manufacturing workshop.

Each child can dye and assemble prepared components to build a small balloon-powered vehicle.

Car, boat, rocket - the possibilities are endless!

Practical information

Starting at 2:30 p.m.

Price - €15

Adult workshop

You'll shape upcycled materials from JAD's workshops to create a unique lighting fixture.

This collaborative workshop introduces creative design, folding, staining and woodworking.

It is open to teenagers and adults with no technical prerequisites.

Practical information

10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Full price - €40

Reduced rate - €30

For further information, write to: