Martin Blanchard, Designer

Based at JAD since September 2022, Martin Blanchard takes a hands-on approach to design, following the scenography and interior architecture projects he developed after studying art history. This pragmatic approach is based on the relationship with artisans that permeates each project and the principles that flow from it: taking manufacturing processes into account right from the design stage, and highlighting them in the finished object. 

Concerned by the fate of objects in a world of overproduction and climate emergency, he favors materials that are minimally transformed, easily recyclable and sometimes already recycled, and hopes to give his creations the longest possible life through stylistic purity and functionality. This ecological concern also drives him to seek solutions in the development of new techniques, in particular plant-based composites.

In 2023, Martin Blanchard designed the scenography for the exhibition Sempervirens, objets désirables pour un monde durable, presented at JAD. Reacting to the disposable trend in scenographic design, he created a reasoned scenography using eco-designed materials, echoing the exhibition's theme.