Baptiste Meyniel, creation and formal experimentation

Baptiste Meyniel is a designer. As part of a long-term research approach, his work gives a central place to drawing, particularly in its relationship with materials, volume and, more generally, the object. In his approach, materials, tools and know-how from the arts and crafts and industrial sectors are a major creative lever.

Baptiste Meyniel joins the JAD studios in September 2022 to develop his research and creative project in close collaboration with the other occupants. A multi-voice project practice he has already experimented with in the Pirouettes exhibition project. On view until March 25 at FRAC Picardie, this exhibition is the fruit of a joint proposal with designers Jean-Simon Roch, Marion Pinaffo and Raphaël Pluvinage. On this occasion, Baptiste Meyniel talks about his career, his approach to research and creation, and his conception of the dialogue between art and design.

From January 20 to March 25, your work is on show alongside that of Jean-Simon Roch, Marion Pinaffo and Raphaël Pluvinage at FRAC Picardie in the exhibition Pirouettes: how did this project come about, and how did the collaboration between you come about? 

Pirouettes is a project initiated in 2020 by Vincent Tuset-Anrès, director of Fotokino in Marseille. Considering that there were possible areas of encounter in our respective approaches, he brought us together - Jean-Simon Roch, Marion Pinaffo, Raphael Pluvinage and myself - and gave us carte blanche to mount an exhibition. 

We began by looking at what we had in common in our creative processes. As all four of us carry out long-term research into our creations, we decided to show what lies behind our creative dynamic: what we immerse ourselves in, what we work from, what nourishes our practice. There are no limits in terms of medium: there are glass pieces from my residency at Cirva, posters silk-screened from firework powder by Marion and Raphaël, devices for setting objects in motion developed by Jean-Simon, drawings, models, books, videos, extracts from personal collections and more.

But it was through the scenographic device that our approaches really came together. The work involved in staging the exhibition enabled us to materialize the connections we sensed between our research: we mixed our work, bringing to life the underlying links in our respective approaches. Echoing archaeological digs and conceived as a cartography of our creative territories, the display device we have developed is designed to set the visitor's gaze in motion, moving them from one object to another and thus provoking surprise. An invitation to interact with the pieces that we wanted to take even further, by giving visitors the chance to manipulate the objects on display. 

Finally, after being shown at Fotokino in September 2021, the exhibition moved to the FRAC Champagne-Ardennes in spring 2022, then to the FRAC Picardie, where it is on display until March 25, 2023. What's exciting is that the project - by its very nature an evolving one - has been nourished by this itinerancy and activation over a long period of time. Since Pirouettes aims to showcase our ongoing research, we renew its content over time; moreover, from one exhibition space to another, the scenographic device is transformed, adapting to the specificities of the venue and bringing to light new connections between our work. 

The content of this exhibition shows your research process and its many materializations. But what are the roots of this approach, and how has it shaped your career? 

It was during my studies at ENSCI - Les Ateliers that I laid the foundations for the research approach I still follow today. As well as awarding a diploma in industrial design, the school enables students to chart their own course. As far as I'm concerned, the diploma project was a particularly seminal moment, as I was able to lay down the key elements of my research: drawing, the relationship with the material, the discussion that can take place between what happens on paper and what happens when you're in contact with the material. 

This exploration of drawing as the setting in motion of a form offering, in fine, a volumetric perception, I carried out first with conventional drawing tools, then with the hijacking of objects (brooms, rakes, etc.). Finally came the idea of making my own tools. So I created tools based on the shapes of industrial products (IPN beams, extruded profiles, bricks, etc.), which enabled me to develop a geometric, linear vocabulary around extrusion, automatically giving materiality to the drawing. Since then, these tools have never ceased to nourish my work, as I seek to understand their potential ever more fully and transform them as my research continues. I recently developed a simplified, turnkey version of these tools, by designing a kit published by Fotokino, co-published by Frac Picardie, and with the support of Signe - Centre national du graphisme.

Since graduating, I've never stopped pursuing this approach, looking for suitable settings to pursue my explorations. From 2019 to 2022, I was in residence at CIRVA (Centre international de recherche sur le verre et les arts plastiques), with a project linked to drawing and the use of industrial semi-finished products as molds in which to blow glass. 

I also trained at ENS Cachan and passed the agrégation in applied arts, which opened the door to teaching. Alongside my work as a designer, I teach at ENSAAMA, where I hold a professorship in object design. As part of this, we work with students to explore ways of doing research, building a protocol, shaping things - a dynamic that's very dear to me. A partnership has also been established between ENSAAMA and JAD. This led to a 5-day workshop with the 5th-year Object Design students on the design and manufacture of plaster objects integrated into buildings.

What role does the JAD project play in your research and creative process today? 

Every encounter I have with a particular skill opens up new fields of reflection. What interests me is what emerges from the dialogue between the craftsman's mastery of his skills, on the one hand, and the generalist nature of my gaze, which questions the forms, tools, gestures and materials he employs, on the other. In addition, there are many affinities with the formal language I use in my own work: the staff maker moving from a 2D profile to a 3D volume using the trainage technique echoes my approach to making drawings in volume; while the gestures of a craftsman using flat-frame printing on fabric evoke, in some cases, those I have developed in my drawing practice. 

For me, the dialogue between design and fine crafts is a formidable creative lever. And if the first experiments carried out in collaboration with JAD designers are already proving to be full of promise, the arrival of new designers with other skills will, I'm sure, help to open up even more new horizons.

Interview by Brune Schlosser

In charge of cultural and heritage projects at INMA

and INMA correspondent at JAD