The Journées Européennes des Métiers d'Art 2023 at JAD
27 Mar. 2023
Dans le cadre des Journées Européennes des Métiers d’Art, le Jardin des métiers d’Art et du Design (JAD) vous donne rendez-vous du 27 mars au 02 avril 2023.

Au programme
Visites commentées de l’exposition SEMPERVIRENS, objets désirables pour un monde durable, conférence, découverte des lauréats du Prix Avenir Métiers d’Art à travers une exposition photographique et d’un workshop mené au JAD par Baptiste Meyniel et les étudiants de l’Ensaama avec l’exposition restitution Immobiles.
JAD's designers will also be opening the doors of their workshops, providing an opportunity to discover their skills in wood, leather, rotogravure, weaving, etc., as well as works resulting from the dialogue between design and arts and crafts.
Week-end du 01 et 02 avril : Portes ouvertes des ateliers des créateurs du JAD
General public
Depuis son ouverture en septembre 2022, le JAD accueille 11 créateurs dans ses ateliers. Héliograveur, ébéniste, sculpteur sur bois, sellier, designer olfactif, d’objets et de mobilier, etc. travaillent à leurs propres projets de création et développent aussi, ensemble, des projets d’innovation collaborative. Lors de ces portes ouvertes exceptionnelles, venez découvrir leurs univers, leurs savoir-faire, et leurs projets de recherche et de création.
Samedi 1 avril de 11h à 17h30 et dimanche de 14h à 17h30, découvrez les ateliers de :
Marta Bakowski, designer
Marta Bakowski is a French designer and colorist of Polish origin. Specializing in working with color and materials, in 2014 she founded her studio in which she cultivates a hybrid production that breaks away from the traditional rules of design.
Workshop opening Saturday 01.04 from 11am to 5.30pm
Martin Blanchard, designer
Martin Blanchard takes a hands-on approach to design, following the scenography and interior architecture projects he developed after studying art history. This pragmatic approach is based on the relationship with craftsmen that informs each project and the principles that flow from it.
Workshop opening Sunday 02.04 from 14h to 17h30
A designer's point of view: creating in two voices with a craftsman
Rendezvous on 02.04 at 2:00 pm
Cédric Breisacher, designer, cabinetmaker and woodcarver
Cedric Breisacher is a designer-sculptor whose research practice is based on experimentation through "making". His creations are at the crossroads of organics and minimalism, in which this contrast allows us to renew our relationship with things.
Workshop opening Sunday 02.04 from 14h to 17h30
Discover a circular workshop and demonstrate the wood chip compression process
Appointment 02.04 at 15:30
Carole Calvez, Studio Iris et Morphée, olfactory designer
Passionate about botany and fragrance, Carole Calvez is a singular creator. Her studies in pharmacy with a specialization in cosmetics led her to discover the link between sensoriality and aesthetics, and to explore the dialogue between the body, memory and intimacy.
Workshop opening Sunday 02.04 from 14h to 17h30
Discover olfactory design and the creations resulting from the dialogue between tangible and intangible know-how
Appointments on 02.04 at 2.30 and 4.30 p.m.
Rose Ekwe, textile designer
Rose Ekwé is a textile designer and weaver. Through exploration and collaborative innovation in dialogue with engineers and scientists, she seeks to reinvent textile manufacturing processes that are more sustainable, more respectful of the environment and of living beings.
Workshop opening Saturday 01.04 from 11am to 5.30pm
Textile creation and eco-design: discover gelotextile and the weaver's craft
Appointment on 01.04 at 4:00 pm
Marion Gouez, textile designer
A stylist and textile designer for 8 years, Marion Gouez is also a weaver and embroiderer. After several creative residencies in the Southern Territories, she has added dyeing, tapestry, weaving and embroidery to her palette of techniques.
La création textile, des matières premières à la conception d'une pièce
Meeting 01.04 at 11:00 am and 2:00 pm, 02.04 at 4:00 pm
Sofia Haccoun-Zakabloukowa, Atelier Shazak, saddler, saddler-trimmer
Sofia is a harness saddler and upholsterer, trained with the Compagnons du Devoir. She founded Atelier Shazak in 2016 with the desire to put her know-how at the service of beauty and sustainability.
Workshop opening Saturday 01.04 from 11am to 5.30pm
Discovery of the harness saddler's trade and demonstration of hand stitching
Meeting on 01.04 at 12:00 and 14:30
Marie Levoyet, rotogravure printer
Marie Levoyet works on a daily basis with photographers and artists from the contemporary scene. For Marie Levoyet, this process is a know-how nourished by encounters and the stories they carry within them: copper, ink, materials, gestures.
Workshop open Saturday 01.02 from 11am to 5:30pm and Sunday 02.04 from 2pm to 5:30pm
Baptiste Meyniel, designer
Firmly positioning himself as a builder of things that have uses rather than a designer of products that meet needs, the objects resulting from his approach nevertheless adapt to different contexts. Baptiste's practice is rooted in the work of his hands, in a close relationship to gesture and movement.
Workshop open Saturday 01.02 from 11am to 5:30pm and Sunday 02.04 from 2pm to 5:30pm
Story of a collaboration between designers and glass artisans at CIRVA (Centre international de recherche sur le verre et les arts plastiques)
Meeting 01.04 at 12:00 pm and 3:30 pm, 02.04 at 3 pm
* Free admission, subject to workshop capacity (12 people)
Week-end du 01 et 02 avril : Conférence avec d’Offard

Atelier d'Offard
Le samedi 1er avril de 16h à 17h30, le JAD propose au public d’assister à ses conférences sur des sujets de société en lien avec son projet d’établissement : savoir-faire, dialogue métiers d’art/design, innovation, transmission.
Thématique : le design et l’éco-conception comme moteur du renouvellement des savoir-faire : échange avec l’Atelier d’Offard – créateur de papier-peint et de carton pierre.
Week-end du 01 et 02 avril : Visites commentées de l’exposition Sempervirens
General public
Through a selection of objects and materials chosen for their environmental, aesthetic and technical qualities, the Sempervirens exhibition approaches eco-design from the angle of design and craft. It examines the manufacturing process, the origin of materials, their transformation and ennoblement.
A veritable panorama of eco-designed projects, treated from the angle of the ennoblement of recycled materials and the valorization of local resources, the exhibition brings together a selection of samples whose ecological potential is proven and whose aesthetic potential remains to be refined, as an invitation to reinterpret them.
Exhibition Sempervirens, desirable objects for a sustainable world
Samedi 01 avril à 11h00 – COMPLET
Dimanche 02 avril à 11h00 – COMPLET
Dimanche 02 avril à 16h00 – COMPLET
Photo exhibition: Prix Avenir Métiers d'Art 2022 winners on show at JAD
General public

Augustin Détienne
In December 2022, JAD hosted the national juries for the Prix Avenir Métiers d'Art. Orchestrated since 2002 by theInstitut National des Métiers d'Art, this prize rewards young talent from training courses dedicated to art crafts.
On the occasion of JEMA, JAD looks back on the national juries of the Prix Avenir Métiers d'Art and presents the 10 young professional winners of this 2022 edition. Discover their projects from March 27 to April 02, through photographs by Augustin Detienne.
Wednesday, March 29 to Friday, March 31, 2023 2:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Saturday, April 01 to Sunday, April 02, 2023 11:00 am to 6:30 pm
Free admission
Exposition Immobiles
Recherche sur des objets en plâtre à intégrer au bâti
General public

© Baptiste Meyniel
Au travers de techniques de mises en formes spécifiques (trainages linéaires, trainages circulaires, moulages), empruntées aux artisans staffeurs, les étudiants de DSAA2 produit de l’ENSAAMA sont venus composer, pendant 5 jours, un objet à sceller à la surface du mur et qui s’intègre à celui-ci pour modeler l’espace.
The project reflects on the design and manufacture of one's own tools, exploring the transition from 2D to volume, developing a sensitivity to the way materials take on light, and questioning what it would be like to have a form whose function is apparent.
Under the direction of Baptiste Meyniel.
With students in their 2nd year of the Diplôme Supérieur d'Arts Appliqués - Product at ENSAAMA: Adriana Goepp Amélia Bruel Caline Bousleiman Elsa Saillour
Emilia Johnson Hugo Riesenmey Iris Da Silva Mélany Savoie Ririka Yasumoto Valentin Fourcadier Victorine Couture.
Wednesday, March 29 to Friday, March 31, 2023 2:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Saturday, April 01 to Sunday, April 02, 2023 11:00 am to 6:30 pm
Free admission
Exceptional Rendezvous
General public

Comprising 2 adjoining buildings designed by architects Roux-Spitz (1932) and Brunau (1954), the former École Nationale de Céramique was renovated by the de Ponthaud architectural firm between 2019 and 2022.
For this exceptional event, the Jardin des métiers d'art et du design invites you to take part in an exceptional nocturnal tour of the listed architectural complex.
Find out more about the history of the site.
Exceptional rendezvous
An exceptional historical tour of JAD
Jeudi 30 mars à 19H30 – COMPLET
Thursday, March 30 - Professional Day / Speed Jading
Professional audience

For one morning, the JAD teams invite professionals and students to discover its spaces, missions and activities. It's also an opportunity to meet JAD's designers, who will welcome you into their workshops.
Three time slots are available: 10am / 11am / 12pm
Related to the theme

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Carole Calvez et Marie Levoyet, lauréates de la Bourse MIRA 2025 : récit d'une collaboration

Matière à Penser, un programme d'excellence dédié aux métiers d'art

Janique Bourget, le papier comme vecteur de narration

Les Jardiniers impressionnistes, un projet Artistique et Culturel en Territoire Éducatif

Hugues Jacquet, documenter les savoir-faire